A lot goes into a successful cleaning and restoration company. This goes far beyond the on-the-groundwork of actually responding to and dealing with a disaster. A core additional component of restoration work is dealing with insurance claims. The vast majority of your jobs will be tied up with insurance companies. Learning how to work with them effectively is an easy way to streamline your revenue and make your company more efficient. Properly training your staff to work with insurance companies is the best thing you can do to ensure this process goes as smoothly as possible. Here are some tips for how you can help your staff handle insurance billing more effectively.
First things first, you need to know what aspects of insurance billing need more attention for your business. Are there consistent problems you keep encountering? If so, identify the root of these issues and make that a main emphasis in what you train your employees. Identifying your billing needs also includes knowing which aspects of billing your administrative staff can handle and which require additional training. This alone could help prevent a lot of issues. It’s easy to assume the relatively untrained administrative staff can handle certain parts of insurance billing, but without specific training the likelihood of costly errors is much greater.
Training your staff on insurance billing will ideally avoid a haphazard “learn by experience” approach. While nothing can substitute for experience, intentionally training your employees on the necessary skills required for handling insurance billing will go a long way toward increasing your company’s efficiency and avoiding costly errors. Also, make sure you cover industry-specific information in these training sessions. Such as software tutorials and an overview of commonly-used terminology.
Madalyn Morgan is a Senior Claims Team Lead at One Claim Solution (OCS) and has worked as an insurance billing specialist for almost four years. She had no prior experience or related educational background before taking on the responsibilities of a claim specialist, but developed her skills through OCS’s intensive training program.
“We had a week of classroom training with PowerPoint and comprehensive test questions. Then the second week we would shadow our seniors and watch them work and answer calls,” Madalyn said. “By the third week, we were set free with our own desk, computer, and claims to handle.”
Madalyn said the training and experience has helped her step into the role of Senior Claims Team Lead. She now helps with the training process for new claim specialists.
“I help conduct ongoing trainings every week where we go over new processes, developments and structural changes,” Madalyn said. “I aim to lead in a way that lets the team pitch in and make it a more collaborative experience.”
Clear communication is paramount to effective insurance billing. This is especially true when it comes to your staff. Your staff will inevitably have questions come up as they begin learning the ropes of processing complex claims. It’s important that they feel comfortable reaching out to management about their questions. Otherwise, they may risk submitting something incorrect they aren’t sure about rather than asking for help.
Your work is still not done once you have trained your staff in insurance billing. You will need to continually monitor their progress and provide feedback as necessary. That doesn’t mean you should micromanage them, but you should be present to consistently provide training and guidance.
After the initial weeks of training, OCS offers ongoing training, weekly check-ins, weekly meetings and performance reviews to make sure the team is up-to-date with billing processes and industry standards.
“We’re continually learning and adapting because our work is based on OSHA standards, regulations and laws,” Madalyn said. “We also make sure to take into consideration market and industry changes.”
Having the right staff trained to deal with insurance companies is one of the best things you can do to streamline your business. Doing so will take a lot of the work and pressure out of your hands so you can focus more on helping people recover from restoration disasters. To learn more about enabling your staff to handle insurance billing, be sure to subscribe to our newsletter.